Worked on a number of high profile projects for MRM/McCann one of the world’s largest marketing companies. My key responsibility was the development of the website which required both desktop and mobile.
- Sunovion – 1.5 and 2.0 – Developed the mobile site by using Javascript and jQuery to dynamically scrape the desktop HTML and reformat it for the mobile view. This included dynamically creating the hamburger menu from the various menus on the desktop view, reformatting the forms as well as targeting CSS for IE and for mobile. The site had to be cross browser compatible from IE8+, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, along with iPhone 4, 5 and various Android based phones and browsers.
- Latuda Mood Monitor – Nearly fully functioning prototypes which allowed users to record their moods as they are taking Latuda. Using JSON, AJAX and jQuery it allows the user to record how they are feeling in five different categories and view daily, weekly and monthly reports. It had to be cross browser and mobile device compatible. Similar to it dynamically created the mobile view based on the desktop. Functionality include the ability to add, edit or delete. The main purpose of the Mood Monitor was so doctors and patients could track how well they are doing on Latuda. The only piece missing was the backend database so the information in the prototype was never actually saved.
- – Used Greensock to animate sequences (SVG graphics) as the user scrolled down the page.
- – prototyped a carousel that contained both information and video sequences. When the user clicked on a carousel element that contained a video, it would display the video player and start the video. When the user clicked on a carousel element that was informational it would display the associated static photo and text.
- USPS – prototype for the USPS Holiday mobile site using the USPS Track Packages API and the Package Pickup API.
- – Coded the frontend piece for the IHOP search locations and the Scary Face Pancake campaign which was just released October 1.
- Fischer Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation – This was a WordPress project that I was brought onto because it was way behind schedule and they were having a customer review that week. I had to get quickly up to speed and trouble shoot and resolve a number of issues.
- Verizon – created an animation sequence using Greensock when the user clicked on a button. Because of the design it required obtaining the x/y coordinates of the elements, dynamically modifying the HTML, and change the CSS to produce the animation.
Environment – jQuery, CSS, HTML, AngularJS, Greensock, Bootstrap, Modernizr, WordPress, Mac, Versions, JIRA, Photoshop, Fireworks, cross browser and mobile devices