
Having over twenty years experience in Information Systems Development, I have designed and developed various systems within a multitude of industries using various relational databases and development languages. For 4 ½ years I have worked with Adobe Target, jQuery, Javascript, CSS and HTML to code A/B..N campaigns and dynamically change the website based on visitor attributes. In addition, I have been heavily involved in developing web-based applications and websites using PHP and MySQL along with working with MVC frameworks. For the front-end I have extensive knowledge with JQuery, JavaScript, HTML and CSS and working to get sites to work across a wide range of browsers. I have also incorporated the Google Maps, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter APIs into a number of websites I have worked on.

A key skill I have developed is my ability to quickly understand the requirements, the application and the business. This enables me to get up to speed more quickly, and to ultimately make suggestions that will make the completed system easier to use. I have also worked within a multitude of business environments as well as with a wide range of users, technical personnel and managers.



Languages: SQL, PHP, Java, JSP, JDBC, JavaScript, HTML/HTML5, J2EE, Swing, XML, DHTML, CSS/CSS3, PowerBuilder 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.5 & 7.0 + PFC, Delphi, Visual Basic, Perl, C, PHP 4.0 & 5.0

OS/Software: MySQL, jQuery, jQuery Mobile, UI, AJAX, Google Maps API, Facebook API, Modernizr, Bootstrap, Adobe Test and Target, Versions, Jira, Linux, UNIX, Struts Tag Library, JSP Custom Tags, LDAP, DOS, Windows NT/95/98/XP, Sybase, ORACLE 7.3, 8i & 9i, SQL Server 6.5, DB2, Access, Dreamweaver 3.0 – 8.0, UltraDev, Fireworks 3.0 – 8.0, Flash, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Microsoft Project, Visual Age, Zend Framework, YUI, DOJO, WordPress, Spry, AllWebMenus, Eclipse+Aptana Plugin



Ascena Retail Group (Ann Taylor, LOFT and Lou & Grey) 08/18-08/20
Adobe Target – Senior Adobe Target Developer
Senior Adobe Target developer for Ascena Retail Group which is the parent company for various women’s clothing stores such as LOFT, Ann Taylor, Lou & Grey, Justice, Lane Bryant and others. Developed high profile, business critical campaigns. For the first several months coded campaigns for SiteSpect until Adobe Target was set up. Adobe Target was a new installation for Ann Inc., which I was instrumental in its setup.

  • Architect and design Adobe target technical solutions to drive multi-touch/multi-channel marketing, defined by the user journey
  • Deliver against the website optimization and personalized experience strategies across the website and other touch points.
  • Debug, troubleshoot, and fix the configuration and integration issues.
  • Partner with the analytics teams on measurement across customized site experiences
  • Diagnose and troubleshoot technical issues related to delivering custom site experiences
  • Develop profile scripts, audiences, creating custom mBoxes and set up new users for complex personalization startegies
  • Communicate and partner with upstream and downstream teams regarding the execution against the desired
    testing strategy ( product managers, designers, production team, business partners and 3rd party vendors)
  • Set up processes to allow the coding of multiple brands (LOFT, Ann Taylor, Lou & Grey, etc) and three devices (desktop, tablet, mobile) all within a single offer which made updates much easier.

Environment: Adobe Target, SiteSpect, jQuery, Javascript, CSS, HTML, JIRA, Invision


Verizon Wireless 04/15-10/17
Adobe Test & Target – Front End Developer
Worked on over 100 campaigns that dynamically modified the VerizonWireless website utilizing Adobe’s Test & Target, JQuery, CSS and HTML. These campaigns did anything from modify the homepage marquees, add footers for hoilday promotions, modify actual UI functionality within the website , to completely modify the functionality and look of a page.

  • Mentor fellow developers and instituted various coding standards to make it easier and faster to develop T&T campaigns.
  • Worked extensively on mobile/responsive having to account for different sized devices as well as portrait versus landscape.
  • Devised ways to handle content delivered through AJAX in order to personalize the page after the content has finished loading.
  • Have worked closely with fellow members of the T&T team, IT and business owners
  • Have had to work through issues during high profile firedrills and have corrected things even if I was unfamiliar with the code. If it was a production issue – relayed information to various teams along with solutions to fix the problem.

Environment: Adobe Test and Target, jQuery, Javascript, CSS, HTML


Vonage 11/14-02/15
Front End Developer

  • Worked on HP’s Interwover/Teamsite CMS
  • Coded AJAX functionality using JQuery to call X+1 tags to dynamically get contact telephone numbers for marketing purposes. Required waiting for certain elements on the page to complete loading, before executing using the timeout and interval functions.
  • Worked heavily to incorporate BMC beacons using Javascript to get performance data on AJAX calls.

Environment: jQuery, Javascript, CSS, HTML, PHP, HP’s Interwoven TeamSite CMS


MRM/McCann 03/14-10/14
Front End Developer
Worked on a number of high profile projects for MRM/McCann one of the world’s largest marketing companies. My key responsibility was the development of the website which required both desktop and mobile.

Sunovion – 1.5 and 2.0 – Developed the mobile site by using Javascript and jQuery to dynamically scrape the desktop HTML and reformat it for the mobile view. This included dynamically creating the hamburger menu from the various menus on the desktop view, reformatting the forms as well as targeting CSS for IE and for mobile. The site had to be cross browser compatible from IE8+, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, along with iPhone 4, 5 and various Android based phones and browsers.

Latuda Mood Monitor – Nearly fully functioning prototypes which allowed users to record their moods as they are taking Latuda. Using JSON, AJAX and jQuery it allows the user to record how they are feeling in five different categories and view daily, weekly and monthly reports. It had to be cross browser and mobile device compatible. Similar to it dynamically created the mobile view based on the desktop. Functionality include the ability to add, edit or delete. The main purpose of the Mood Monitor was so doctors and patients could track how well they are doing on Latuda. The only piece missing was the backend database so the information in the prototype was never actually saved. – Used Greensock to animate sequences (SVG graphics) as the user scrolled down the page. – prototyped a carousel that contained both information and video sequences. When the user clicked on a carousel element that contained a video, it would display the video player and start the video. When the user clicked on a carousel element that was informational it would display the associated static photo and text.

USPS – prototype for the USPS Holiday mobile site using the USPS Track Packages API and the Package Pickup API. – Coded the frontend piece for the IHOP search locations and the Scary Face Pancake campaign which was just released October 1.

Fischer Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation – This was a WordPress project that I was brought onto because it was way behind schedule and they were having a customer review that week. I had to get quickly up to speed and trouble shoot and resolve a number of issues.

Verizon – created an animation sequence using Greensock when the user clicked on a button. Because of the design it required obtaining the x/y coordinates of the elements, dynamically modifying the HTML, and change the CSS to produce the animator

Environment – jQuery, CSS, HTML, AngularJS, Greensock, Bootstrap, Modernizr, WordPress, Mac, Versions, JIRA, Photoshop, Fireworks, cross browser and mobile devices.


Web Developer
This was a short term, 9 day, project that required using WordPress as a CMS to layout the new website for The MAX Challenge. The key was to come in quickly and get the key aspects and layout of the website up and running using CSS3 and HTML5. Much of the work involved special JQuery functionality.

  • Dynamically modified graphic transition slider using jQuery. Needed to be able to test when graphic changed in order to capture text and copy it to proper location. Had to test when slider was created before many any dynamic modifications
  • Admins needed to have the ability to customize the right sidebar with content specific to the page – this was accomplished through the use of JQuery.
  • Take PSD files and convert to HTML5, CSS3 for the web.
  • Layout of the content needed to match up with various elements within the background image
  • Extensive use of CSS3 to style the pages
  • Needed to keep key aspects of the pages editable by the website admins.
  • Use of the GravityForms Plugin to build various forms for the site.

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Javascript, WordPress


Barnabas Health 5/12-10/13
Web Developer
Developed Barnabas Health’s external, internal and mobile websites using Oxcyon’s Central Point CMS, custom development using jQuery and SQL. Also worked with .Net and ASP, PHP and MS SQL Server. One of the big benefits I brought to their front-end database was incorporating Google Maps and direction capabilities right into the website. – Used JQuery and the Google Maps API to add mapping and directional information to the Barnabas Health website. Since the website didn’t have a database back-end, created an easy to modify XML file to store the hospital information. – Developed the mobile version of the Barnabas Health website that contained key information, such as doctor search, hospital listings and key services. Developed using the Central Point CMS with JQuery, JQuery Mobile and the Google Maps API. Along with the mapping functionality, it also a person to get directions based on their location or by typing in a specific location.

Barnabas Health Medical Group website – ( this site has just gone live. It includes physician search, mapping and directions using Google Maps API. Worked closely on the design and. introduced the use of mega-menus. Using Fireworks, modified many of the graphics to enhance the design of the website. Used JQuery and CSS to enhance the design and user experience.

Routinely had to create small PHP programs to process data contained in CSV files in order to upload into the database. This was a huge time saver since previously they had to do this manually.

Added Re-Captcha to many forms. Many of Barnabas Health’s forms were being spammed. Added dynamic validation using JQuery Validator and ASP Version of Re-Captcha onto their “static” sites. Went beyond the original requirements to redesign the forms to be more user friendly and a cleaner design using CSS. Fields that did not pass validation were highlighted in red and included a red error message beneath the field to tell the user what the error was.

Environment: Oxcyon Central Point CMS, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, jQuery Mobile, Google Maps API, PHP, MS SQL Server 2008, XML, Fireworks, Firebug


AT&T/IBM 4/11-5/12
Web Developer

  • Working on various internal web applications that are used by their corporate clients in a very time critical environment.
  • Dynamically build web pages using JQuery and Dojo
  • Communication solely with the backend with AJAX using XML and JSON.
  • Modification of CSS
  • Trouble shooting and fixing CSS and JavaScript issues with IE
  • Extensive use of Firebug with Firefox to troubleshoot AJAX, CSS, and JavaScript issues.
  • Use IE Development Tools to troubleshoot various IE related issues with CSS

Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Dojo, jQuery, AJAX, XML, Firebug


Lanmark 360 11/10-3/11
Web Developer
Worked with jQuery and CSS on various client projects with a emphasis on trouble shooting problems that they needed help in solving.
Environment: Dreamweaver, Fireworks, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Firebug


Cortiva Institute 8/10-10/10
Web Developer
This was a time critical project that needed someone who could quickly come up to speed and keep the project on schedule. The former developer was leaving and the delivery date on the project was a month away with still a lot of work to be completed.

  • Presented and implemented ideas to make the user interface more efficient for the visitor.
  • Developed various jQuery elements into the website to provide a cleaner user experience.
  • Modification of CSS
  • Development of customized WordPress theme to fit in seamlessly with their new site design.
  • Gave recommendations on SEO and 301 Redirects.

Environment: ASP.NET, PHP 5.0, IIS, Visual Studio, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, WordPress


Independent Consultant 3/03-Present

Web Developer
Web developer for Written in PHP with MySQL as the backend, has grown into one of the premier travel and tourism sites covering New Jersey. The site is currently being completely redesigned using the latest web technologies and will provide a much greater user experience for the visitor. The site contains many custom built database driven components, such as the restaurant & lodging guides, the event guide, e-cards and others.

  • Using the Facebook API (JS/PHP SDK) as the log in it will link the site to Facebook to share information.
  • Google Maps API – allow plotting of locations on both inset maps and larger statewide map. Maps dynamically change based on whether the visitor is restricting their search to a city or searching for things throughout the state. Site data is stored in a MySQL database and is being retrieved using AJAX.
  • Using jQuery to create components such as tabs, overlays.
  • Uses some of the new HTML5 tags to build the site.
  • Extensive use of JavaScript, jQuery and AJAX to build the site

Environment: MySQL, PHP 4.0 – 5.0, JavaScript, jQuery, jQuery UI, Google Maps API, Facebook API, HTML, CSS, Firebug, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, AllWebmenus, WordPress, Eclipse+Aptana Plugin, PHPUnit, Tomcat, Perl, Linux, Apache


Project: Sussex County Tourism –
PHP Web-Application Developer
Redevelopment of the Sussex County Tourism website into a more tourism oriented site than the current member centric site. Development of a database backend with security and registration which allows registered users to manage their attractions and lodging. A new module featuring a restaurant guide is about to go live.

  • Developed relational database structure using MySQL and PHPMyAdmin
  • Developed security & authorization module
  • Use jQuery Validate Plug-in to pre-validate forms in addition to the server side validation.
  • Allows registered users to submit attractions and upload a thumbnail photo.
  • Front end piece will allow visitors to search for attractions within Sussex County.
  • Uses AJAX through the jQuery Validate plug-in to check for existing user name or e-mail when a person is registering in the management section. Reports back immediately to the user if the user name or e-mail is already registered with the system.

Environment: MySQL, PHP 5.0, jQuery, jQuery UI, Apache, Dreamweaver, HTML, CSS, JavaScript


Project: Morris County Tourism –
PHP Web-Application Developer
Developed several modules for this site, including a management utility to easily add and update information within the database. This included security functionality with several levels of authorization. Won an award from the NJ Department of Travel and Tourism in April 2010. Recent modification include jQuery tab controls and the development of hide/show controls on the Hotel Packages Listing page.

  • Developed relational database structure using MySQL and PHPMyAdmin
  • Developed security & authorization module
  • Created e-card application that allowed visitors to send electronic postcards by e-mail.
  • Developed lodging/package module that allowed participating hotels to register, log in, and add and modify their listings, including uploading of a thumbnail image of their hotel.
  • Added reCaptcha to prevent spamming of the “Tell-A-Friend” and Postcard Application forms.
  • Recently added jQuery tab controls to display the “Restaurants” and “Things to Do” in order to save screen space.
  • Using jQuery, added hide and show controls for the various package summaries in order to save screen space and make it easier for the visitor to scan the listings.
  • Coded the packages page so that it will be functional for the visitor whether JavaScript is working or not.

Environment: MySQL, PHP 5.0, jQuery, Apache, Dreamweaver, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Spry


Project: Wee Hours
Web Developer
Quickly came up to speed on their custom build CMS application and was able to solve several time critical issues. With them being located in New Hampshire, I have been working remotely and have demonstrated my skills of working with very little supervision. I have worked with both other developers to guide them, as well as with the clients.

  • Recommended and set up a clean database and CMS workspace for new projects
  • Researched and edited the CKFinder code to convert special characters in file names to dashes.
  • Took client layouts and modified the CSS to recreate it in the CMS.

Environment: MySQL, PHP 5.0, Dreamweaver, Eclipse, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Linux, CKFinder, CKEditor


Project: Crossroads of the American Revolution National Heritage Area –
Web Developer
This website promotes the activities of the recently established Crossroads of the American National Heritage Area. The role of the website has gone through four phases in its short existence.
Designed website using Dreamweaver, CSS and HTML.

Redesigning site to incorporate a tableless design using CSS, jQuery for user interaction elements along with MySQL and PHP as the backend.

Environment: MySQL, PHP 5.0, Apache, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AllWebMenus


Project: Trenton 1784 –
Web Developer
A website created for a one and half month 225th celebration for Trenton as the nation’s capital between November and December. The goal was to promote various events taking place in Trenton and educate visitors on it’s history.

  • Took the JPG image of the main page which was provided by a graphic design artist and recreated it using CSS, HTML and Macromedia Fireworks.
  • Developed relational database structure using MySQL and PHPMyAdmin
  • Menu structure was developed using AllWebMenus
  • Developed event guide that allowed participating venues to submit events and for the organization to manage the events.
  • Using PHP, jQuery and MySQL, developed a module that allowed the organization to manage images and have them displayed in both a jQuery scroll box on the main page and within a image gallery page.
  • Incorporated WordPress blog into the site.

Environment: MySQL, PHP 5.0, Apache, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, DOJO, WordPress


Project: New Jersey Meeting Planning Guide –
Web Developer
This is the web version of the NJ Meeting Plan guide which is published each year. It allows visitors to search for various convention and meeting venues throughout New Jersey. The site was designed and developed to compliment the hard cover publication.

  • Designed website using Dreamweaver, CSS and HTML.
  • Developed relational database structure using MySQL and PHPMyAdmin
  • Created module that allows for the entry of convention and meeting venue information.
  • Convention & Meeting Venue Guide displays the entered information from the database and displays it for the user, allowing them to narrow down their searches.
  • Developed information request form which allows visitors to request additional information. This system saves the information in the database and sends an e-mail with the formatted data to the visitor and NJ Meeting Planning Guide.

Environment: MySQL, PHP 5.0, Apache, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, HTML, CSS, JavaScript


Project: Greater Atlantic City Region Tourism Council –
Web Developer
This website is currently in development. The main focus right now for the site is to announce our upcoming membership meetings and to allow people to register online. With just a few entries into the database through the management utility, it completely sets up the announcement and registration pages without having to touch any of the HTML.

  • Designed layout of site
  • Developed relational database structure using MySQL and PHPMyAdmin
  • Management utility allows organization to enter in information for their membership meetings.
  • Developed the system to automatically create several pages off of the membership information and enables the RSVP functionality.
  • Allows visitors to RSVP for the organization membership meeting, saving the information into the database and sending out a notification to both the guest and the organization.

Environment: MySQL, PHP 5.0, Apache, Dreamweaver, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AllWebMenus, WordPress


Project: Princeton Battlefield Society –
Web Developer
This site has gone through several designs and is currently going through another design process which will allow the organization to better promote itself, it’s activities and the state park to visitors.

  • Designed website using Dreamweaver, CSS and HTML.
  • Developed relational database structure using MySQL and PHPMyAdmin
  • Developed membership/donation form which ties into PayPal for payment and sends the information back to the Princeton Battlefield website to update the membership/donation
  • information in the database.
  • Developed a News and Events module which allows the organization to upload press releases, news letters and post information about upcoming events.
  • Currently working on redesign –

Environment: MySQL, PHP 5.0, Apache, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AllWebMenus


Project: Celebrate NJ –
PHP Developer
The first year of Celebrate NJ which was a month long event in June and was used to promote the various participating events and attractions.

  • Worked closely with design company who was doing the design work for the website.
  • Developed relational database structure using MySQL and PHPMyAdmin
  • Developed security module which included three security levels along with login and logout functionality.
  • Developed management utility so users could update their information, manage their events and attractions.
  • Designed pages that displayed the attractions and events for the visitors, allowing them various search functionality.

Environment: MySQL, PHP 4.0, Apache, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, HTML, CSS, JavaScript


MERCK 1/02-3/03
Designed, developed, documented major applications for the A&IT (Automation and Information Technology) Group at Merck Headquarters. Had worked on four systems. Two of these, PCR and Part11 were critical systems. PCR was a PowerBuilder desktop application and Part11 was a JSP/Java web based application running on Tomcat and Apache.

Process Change Request Tracking System (PCR) – (desktop application) PowerBuilder 6.5 application with Oracle 8i backend. System tracks change requests for processes in the making and packaging of pharmaceutical drugs.

PCR Web – (web application) Reporting system accessible through the web, developed in Oracle Web Applications using PL/SQL.

PART11 – Web Application developed using Java/JSP/JDBC, Oracle 7.3 as the backend.
System keeps track and manages the inventory of systems to be addressed by the MMD 21 CFR Part11 Project.
This system was initially developed using only scriplets through UltraDev. After proving myself on the PCR project, the manager for this project asked me to take this over and get it back on track.

Records Management (RM) – Web Application developed using Java/Jsp, Oracle 7.3 as the backend. This system is used to track sites’ compliance to document handling.

Pharmaceutical Stability Management (PSM) – PowerBuilder 5.0, Oracle 7.3
Automates the collection, modification, retrieval, reporting and tracking of trends of domestic and international stability and release data received on bulk drug substances, manufacturing intermediates, and drug products (human, animal and plant health) for the Pharmaceutical Stability Management (PSM) Department at West Point.

Environment: Java, JSP, JSP Custom Tags, JDBC, Linux, UNIX, HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, PowerBuiilder 5,0, 6.5, 7.0,, Oracle 7.3, 8i, PL/SQL, Stored Procedures, Oracle Web Applications, Macromedia UltraDev, JServ, Tomcat, Exceed, Access, Windows NT, Windows XP, Panagon

Environment: Java, JSP, Linux, HTML, DB2, Dreamweaver, LDAP, JNDI, Apache Tomcat, Struts Tag Libraries and MySQL

Environment: PowerBuilder 6.5, Oracle7 – 8i, UNIX, Java 2, Swing, PVCS, Visual Age

Environment: PowerBuilder 5.0, Oracle, and UNIX, PVCS

Environment: PowerBuilder 5.0, PowerBuilder 6.0, PowerBuilder 6.5, PFC, MS SQL Server 6.5, and Sybase SQL Anywhere

Environment: PowerBuilder 5.0, Oracle, Cogen, Versatility, and SYBASE SQL Anywhere

PowerBuilder Mentoring Program 4/97-7/97

  • Proposed and implemented a mentoring program at Seymour High School.
  • Taught PowerBuilder to local high school students.

ANATEC 3/95-7/97
Environment: PowerBuilder 5.0, SQL Server 6.5, and Sybase SQL Server

Environment: PowerBuilder 3.0, 4.0 & 5.0, DOS, Windows, WATCOM, and ORACLE

Systems Analyst
Environment: PowerBuilder 3.0 & 4.0, Visual Basic, C, Xbase, DOS, Windows, Windows 95, AmigaDOS, System 7, Excel 5.0, Word 6.0, PowerPoint 4.0, Microsoft Project, ProDraw, ProPage, Quark Xpress, McCormick & Dodge Accounting System

Salem College – Salem, WV
Major – Computer Graphics Programming

Indiana University Southeast – New Albany, IN
Major – Information Systems Programming

Technology Exchange Co
C Programming Workshop

American Management Association
Strategic Information Systems Planning

Introduction to PowerBuilder (1 day class)
PowerSoft International User Meeting and Training Conference, 1994
PowerSoft International User Meeting and Training Conference, 1995

PowerBuilder – Advanced DataWindows
PowerBuilder – Performance Tuning and Techniques
Delphi 2.0